The Virus – Part Three

A Story About the Continued Comedic Aspects of Living Through a Pandemic

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As time travelers peruse reviews of years past to determine their travel destination, 2020 will likely stand out as a year to stay far away from. Google reviewer “Covidisaloser19” has already locked in his review: “living through 2020 can be compared to joyfully biting into your favourite type of cookie, after a long, hard day. As your teeth sink into the middle of the deliciously sweet dough, you realize that it has a spicy mustard, ketchup, and relish filling. To make matters worse, the person that made you the cookie was the person you (used to) trust most in the world.” Though that review is a tough act to follow, I’ll attempt to keep future time travelers safely away from 2020 with a more thorough review of the year in, “The Virus – Part Three”.  

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